The Context and the Waker

The first issue of our naive Brain is, that it does not compile for an obvious reason: The signature of the poll function requires to pass a Context and we where not able to provide one for now, but - what is this Context about ?

The Context

In the current version of Rust, the Context that will be handed over to the Future while polling the same only contains a reference to a Waker. This Waker can be used to wake the processing of a Future at a later point in time, when the result of ths Future is likely to be present.

Our initial implementation of the Brain in the last chapter took a Future that returned a constant value after it has been polled 10 times. Everytime this polling returned Poll::Pending the Brain ensured that the next processing cycle will again invoke the poll function of this Future. This is quite inefficient as the contineusly polling of the Future will likely waste resources and processing capabilities of the Brain. In a real world scenario it will more likely be an event - a timer, an I/O event, an extern GPIO interrupt - that will indicate that the requested result of a Future is available.

But how could the Brain know, that the event for a specific Future has been raised and therefore the wrapping Thought need re-processing? This is, where the Context and it's containing Waker comes into play. The Brain will create a Waker for each Thought that is about to be processed and pass this as part of the Context to the Future that is polled. It is now the responsibility of the Future to store this Waker and use it to signal to the Brain that it need to re-process the current Thought this Future is wrapped into. The most common use-case is to register this Waker with a system I/O event handler or an interrupt handler. So if processing the Thought returns Poll::Pending the Brain can park this one until it got woken by the Waker.

Note It's also possible that multiple Thought's might share the same Waker if their re-processing is likely to depend on the same event, but for the sake of simplicity we stick to the creation of individual Waker for each Thought the Brain will process.

The Waker

The high level concept of a Waker is kind of straight forward. A Waker defines the behavior of a thing (in our case the Thought) that provides the methods to get woken. This behavior is defined with the Wakeable trait. The high-level intuiton of a Waker will look like this:

type Waker = Arc<dyn Wakeable>;

pub trait Wakeable {
    /// Wake a Wakeable and consuming the [Arc]
    fn wake(self: Arc<Self>) {

    /// Wake the Wakeable keeping the Arc ref count intact
    fn wake_by_ref(self: &'_ Arc<Self>);

There are several challenges that need to be solved for a Waker to allow its usage in a general way, as the fact that it is tied to a Thought is kind of arbitrary from the Waker's point of view. So if you are curious about the low-level details feel free to continue reading by expanding this block.

When polling a generic Future we've already seen, that the Waker will be passed as part of the Context. In the same way the Future as part of the Thought can't contain any generic output type because we would like to store it in some sort of a list in the brain - the Waker can't hold any generic type information either.

The solution to this problem is to use trsit objects like Arc<dyn Wakeable>. But as this still covers the type information we would need the raw version of the trait object to be stored. How can this be achieved? Well, the answer to this lies in the definition of a trait object. On raw/memory level its nothing more than a pointer to the actual data of the trait object together with a V(irtual Function)Table. The VTable as such is a list of function pointers where the very first parameter passed is the pointer to the actual data of the object this function belongs to. This type erased representation of a Waker is provided within the rust core library as RawWaker.

For reference the definitions from the core library below:

pub struct RawWaker {
    data: *const (),
    vtable: &'static RawWakerVTable,

pub struct RawWakerVTable {
    clone: unsafe fn(*const ()) -> RawWaker,
    wake: unsafe fn(*const ()),
    wake_by_ref: unsafe fn(*const ()),
    drop: unsafe fn(*const ()),

Being Wakeable

So the first thing to get the Thought being wakeable is to create the functions that will make up the VTable for it. All those functions has one thing in common: They get the pointer to the current Wakeable as a type erased raw pointer. This need to be cast back into a typed raw pointer and from there to its Arc representation. This is actually safe as the only way this raw pointer could have been created is from the corresponding Arc::into_raw as shown later.

Function to Clone

The first function required will clone the RawWaker from the Wakeable. Being able to create clones of the Waker enables them to be stored as part of interrupt handler or I/O event handlers to allow waking the Thought's from within them.

unsafe fn clone<T: Wakeable>(wakeable: *const ()) -> RawWaker {
    let wakeable: *const T = wakeable.cast();
    let wakeable_ref: &Arc<T> = &*ManuallyDrop::new(


Function to Wake

The second function required will call the wake function of the Wakeable trait that actually will be implemented in the Thought. This function will consume the Waker (it's Arc) when called. This is most likely being called on cloned Waker for example inside an interrupt handler.

unsafe fn wake<T: Wakeable>(wakeable: *const ()) {
    // transfer the raw pointer back into it's type pointer
    let wakeable: *const T = wakeable.cast();
    let wakeable: Arc<T> = Arc::from_raw(wakeable);
    // wake the wakeable

There is also a non-consuming version of the wake function that should be used when the current Wakeable should not be consumed (as it is the only existing reference for example - like the one directly stored within the context)

unsafe fn wake_by_ref<T: Wakeable>(wakeable: *const ()) {
    // transfer the raw pointer back into it's type pointer
    let wakeable: *const T = wakeable.cast();
    let wakeable_ref = &*ManuallyDrop::new(Arc::from_raw(wakeable));

Function to Drop

When handing out clones of the Wakeable it was necessary to ensure those will be dropped manually (by using ManuallyDrop). For this very reason we also require to implement the drop function for those clones. So just safely drop the Arc we build from the raw pointer.

unsafe fn drop<T: Wakeable>(wakeable: *const ()) {
    // transfer the raw pointer back into it's type pointer
    let wakeable: *const T = wakeable.cast();

With the functions in place building up the VTable its now possible to create a RawWaker that is a type erased version of a trait object representing the Wakeable.

fn into_raw_waker(self: Arc<Self>) -> RawWaker {
    let raw_wakeable: *const () = Arc::into_raw(self).cast();
    let raw_wakeabe_vtable = &Self::WAKER_VTABLE;


This function will be the only way to construct the RawWaker from a Wakeable. So it uses the Arc::into_raw to convert the Arc into a raw pointer which makes it totally safe to convert the raw pointers passed to the VTable functions back into an Arc using the Arc::from_raw function. To keep things tied to gether that belongs together we define a private trait the covers the VTable as well as the into_raw_waker function. In the following listing the details of the VTable functions are omitted for brevity.

trait WakeableTraitObject: Wakeable + Sized {
    /// build the RawWaker from the Wakeable consuming the [Arc] of it
    fn into_raw_waker(self: Arc<Self>) -> RawWaker {
        let raw_wakeable: *const () = Arc::into_raw(self).cast();
        let raw_wakeabe_vtable = &Self::WAKER_VTABLE;


    /// specifiying the VTable for this Wakeable
    const WAKER_VTABLE: RawWakerVTable = RawWakerVTable::new(
            unsafe fn clone<T: Wakeable>(wakeable: *const ()) -> RawWaker {
                /* details omitted */
            unsafe fn wake<T: Wakeable>(wakeable: *const ()) {
                /* details omitted */
            unsafe fn wake_by_ref<T: Wakeable>(wakeable: *const ()) {
                /* details omitted */
            unsafe fn drop<T: Wakeable>(wakeable: *const ()) {
                /* details omitted */

Finally we provide an auto trait implementation for all types that implement the Wakeable trait to also implement the WakeableTraitObject trait.

impl<T: Wakeable> WakeableTraitObject for T {}

With this in place we can now provide a function as part of the Wakeable trait that allows direct conversion from a Wakeable into a Waker.

pub trait Wakeable: Sized {
    fn wake(self: Arc<Self>) {

    fn wake_by_ref(self: &'_ Arc<Self>);

    fn into_waker(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Waker {
        unsafe {

Waking the Wakeable

With the Wakeable trait we can now define our Thought to be able to get woken, right?

impl Wakeable for Thought {
    fn wake_by_ref(self: &Arc<Self>) {
        // this Thought shall be able to get woken. This would require the Brain
        // to re-process the same. How to achive this? How to push to the Brain?
        // Should we pass a borrow of the Thoughtlist of the Brain to the
        // Thought?

Even though we made the Thought wakeable and we could implement the waking functionality we are struggling here at the next issue with our initial naive Brain implementation

The reason is, that we store the Thought's that require processing in a Vec within the Brain. To add entries to this list we would require mutual exclusive access to the same and we would require to share the access accross different Thoughts. One possible way to address this is to use an Arc and a Mutex-Like-Lock around this Vec. But this will also not really solve the problem as the Brain always acquires this lock while processing the list of Thought's. Therefore it is very unlikely that the Waker will ever get a chance to acquire the lock for adding it's related Thought back to the things the Brain need to process. Kind of a dilemma, right?

But - there is a solution to this. If we carefully check what the requirements of the list of the Thought's within the Brain are we see that it is more acting like a queue. The Brain is picking up the things that need processing from the front of the queue and the Wakeable will push itself to the end of the queue once woken.

So what we will need is the implementation of a queue!

The queue does have 2 sides, one that allows popping of Thoughts and one that allows pushing of Thought's. And both ends shall be able to be shared independendtly - for example to the Thought's that requires to push themself to the queue again once they are woken. The perfect candidate here is a channel. There are several kinds and implementations of channels available in the open source community. Based on our specific use case, where we might run the Brain on bare metal in no_std environment likely on different cores and the need to push Thought's to this channel from different Waker, we require a Multi Producer Multi Consumer channel, that preferrably is implemented in a lock-free fashion.

Check out the next chapter for the details.